Paid Advertising

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How We Can Help You

Paid advertising allows your business to put ads directly in front of your customers at any given moment. At Luckless, we have highly trained and certified professionals that connect your brand to the customers who need your product or services. Paid advertising only works when you combine a strong campaign with thorough keyword and demographic research, craft amazing ads, develop landing pages that convert, and track & analyze campaign data religiously. We’re here to make sure every dollar you spend receives maximum ROI.

Search Engine Advertising

Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo utilize sophisticated advertising opportunities for small businesses like yours. Without proper experience, it’s easy to get lost in convoluted dashboards. Our team knows exactly how to organize your campaigns, map ad flows, optimize add-ons and generate landing pages that convert the traffic we send your way. Our goal is to continuously optimize ad performance and improve quality score by putting your ads in front of the right customers.

Social Media Advertising

Building a winning social ad that drive traffic to your website starts with creating a message that is compelling enough to grab your customers attention. Social ads are a phenomenal way to create awareness as well as convert middle of the funnel leads through retargeting. Our team is made up social nomads that understand the psychology of how your customers interact with advertisement. We’ll take your ads from just another post clogging up the news feed to an ad that your customers want.

Landing Page Optimization

Having a beautiful ad optimized for the right audience at the right time is only half the battle. Once they’re redirected to your ads landing page, they need to be enticed to sign up, inquire, and/or buy. Our design team builds high quality user experiences with structured layouts that get your customers to convert. Through A/B testing and other strategies, we will optimize your landing pages for personal experiences that encourage your customer to become engaged.

Data Analysis

Data is at the heart of all digital marketing campaigns that paints a picture and tells a story. Without the proper tools and knowledge, it may be difficult to understand what your data is trying to tell you. At Luckless, we’re experts that are trained and educated in advanced data analysis. If it can be recorded and measured, our team is tracking it. We’ll analyze all the data we collect to ensure your ad campaign is operating efficiently and driving the ROI you deserve.

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